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2 Chainz gets sued for $5 million over #IsThisYoThot video

2 Chainz 7By Matthew Bridge
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

A couple of years ago, 2 Chainz had the game on lock, dropping consecutive hits. In the time since then, 2 Chainz has maintained a relatively low profile. Back in early 2014, 2 Chainz was still riding the wave of his 2012-2013 run.

However, 2 Chainz did receive a lot of attention early in 2014 for something not related to music. He and his TRU camp did a video about a girl and called it #IsThisYoThot. A video that entertained many, the woman in question did not take kindly to being called a thot.

Now, this woman, Christine Chisholm, is taking action. She has filed a lawsuit against 2 Chainz for ruining her character and leading to her being harassed. This is something she did not appreciate, especially after Cap1 invited her backstage with the crew and she is seeking $5 million in damages.

Source: TMZ

Follow Matthew Bridge on Twitter @dgfxla.

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