A Utah woman discovers she married her cousin while picking out baby names

A Utah woman discovers she married her cousin

In a shocking discovery, a married couple finds out just how close they really are. The internet is in a frenzy after a new video surfaces making people question who their distant relatives could be. A Utah woman discovers she accidentally married her third cousin and is pregnant with his child. The woman named Marcella Hill, explained the bizarre situation via her TikTok account.

Marcella is an avid TikTok user, sharing weekly health tips for a cleaner lifestyle. As an advocate for women’s health pertaining to hormone issues, internal health and wellness, she’s accumulated a massive following. With over 200k followers and views surpassing 5 million, she is a knowledgeable source for women on the platform. Outside of women’s health, she is an author and the creator of a successful mother’s support group on Facebook.

Despite Marcella’s impressive career, the news about her marrying her cousin is unbelievable. In the TikTok video Marcella explains how her and her husband were looking for baby names using each of their family trees. As they both studied their family bloodline, Marcella noticed her great grandfather and her husband’s grandmother are first cousins.

A Utah woman discovers she married her cousin