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Azealia Banks announces “ATM JAM” with Pharrell via Twitter

Azealia Banks 3By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Earlier today, Azealia Banks caught the attention of the world when she showed herself in a different light. Catching the attention of the masses with her shapely figure, Azealia Banks is finally using her following for the right reasons. Azealia Banks has a lot of new music coming out.

In the past, Azealia Banks got herself into a lot of trouble on Twitter. When she first began tweeting, Banks dissed many of the biggest rappers in the game. Many felt this was the only thing holding Azealia Banks from taking off as a major star in the game. Last week, Azealia Banks announced she was done with Twitter.

Possibly holding true to her word, Azealia Banks has toned down on the shots she was taking on Twitter. Recently, Azealia Banks revealed some of the biggest news of her career. On Twitter, Azealia Banks announced her “ATM JAM” single with Pharrell, which will be released in the near future.

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