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Chris Brown gets accused of using crack by rising female rapper, @wolftyla, who shares text messages with her friend about this, but gets exposed by Chris Brown’s fans on Twitter, so she apologized + Chris blocks her on IG

Every year, Chris Brown proves how influential of an artist he is. Even when he isn’t buzzing, Chris Brown manages to release at least one hit single every year. Despite this, plus Chris Brown always helping people, people are always coming after him.

Apparently, Chris Brown was working with @wolftyla, a rising female rapper. She, in a series of text messages, revealed a plan to “finesse” the popular singer. Claiming she saw him with “crack,” @wolftyla was going to extort Chris Brown over this.

However, the text messages were leaked, on Twitter, and Chris Brown’s fans ended up seeing them. Since then, they have flooded her with tweets about what she was trying to do. While she apologized to the fans, she didn’t address Chris Brown, who has since blocked her on Instagram.

Source: Fameolous

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