Dog predicts Golden State Warriors will beat Los Angeles Lakers in Game 7 [VIDEO]

Dog predicts Warriors playoff series win over Lakers in Game 7

Last night, the Golden State Warriors lost a tough Game 4 in Los Angeles, to the Lakers. As a result, they are now down 3-1 in the second round of the playoffs. The Warriors are the NBA’s defending world champions. However, they have had a tough regular season and a tough postseason. Facing LeBron James for the first time in five years, the Warriors are in uncharted territory. Never have the Warriors trailed a LeBron James team in the playoffs. However, a dog playing basketball says the Warriors will still come out on top.

There is a dog that has been making predictions for the 2023 playoffs. The dog has been taught how to bounce a basketball with his nose. His owners have two baskets placed down the staircase. After that, the dog bounces the ball. Each basket is labeled by each team. The basket where the ball lands is how the predictions are made. According to those familiar with the situation say the dog has not been wrong with the ball bounces, yet.

So with the Warriors currently down 3-1 to the Los Angeles Lakers, the dog is back to making his predictions. On Twitter, the video has gone viral. The video showed the dog bouncing the ball and three of the first four bounces landing in the Lakers’ basket. After that, the remaining bounces landed in the Warriors’ basket. As a result, the Warriors are predicted to win in Game 7. For the fans, they see this as potential retribution for the 2016 NBA Finals.


Dog predicts Warriors playoff series win over Lakers in Game 7