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HHV Exclusive: Ty Nitty talks Infamous Mobb and new Love & Loyalty movement

Ty NittyBy 90sSnapMak
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

One of the best things about this new hip hop era is the veterans that are making comebacks along with the newcomers. There is so much hip hop music out there, sometimes people forget about some of the people from the past. Infamous Mobb is definitely a duo to not be forgotten.

Moving forward, Ty Nitty has moved on and is now a solo artist. Ty Nitty has a lot of music and videos in store. Right now, Ty Nitty is pushing his Love & Loyalty movement, which includes the rising artist, Cashmere. A major part of the Love & Loyalty movement is based in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Chox-Mak is North Carolina’s fastest-rising hip hop artists, but he is much more than a lyricist, he also dabbles in journalism for Hip Hop Vibe. Recently, Chox-Mak caught up with Ty Nitty for an interview. Speaking on his time with Infamous Mobb and his new movement, Love & Loyalty, Ty Nitty talked about Mobb Deep and plenty of new music.

Watch the entire interview below:

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