Ice Cube Misses Out on $9 Million-Earning Movie Role, For “Oh Hell No,” After Refusing to Get Vaccinated

The debate lingers on, about people’s rights to choose, regarding needing the COVID-19 vaccines. In many major cities, such as San Francisco and New York City, it’s mandated to be vaccinated, in order to go visit places such as restaurants, and entertainment venues.

The COVID vaccine requirement also applies to movie opportunities as well. Ice Cube has advocated for wearing masks, as he even donated 2,000 masks to Bacone College, in Oklahoma. At the same time though, Cube doesn’t want to get vaccinated. This has now cost him a movie opportunity, for “Oh Hell No,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

This latest report states that Cube was supposed to start shooting this film, in Hawaii, this winter. Oh Hell No is also co-starred with Jack Black. This film is backed by Sony. Producers initially told the rapper/actor that he had to be vaccinated, to be on set, and that’s where he drew the line.

Kitao Sakurai is the director of Oh Hell No. He and others involved in this film have since decided not to comment on the situation surrounding Cube. With Cube declining to get vaccinated, he has officially missed out on earning an extra $9 million.

Black also suffered an injury, in June. This was due to him filming a gag for the last episode of Conan. Jack is still on board with Oh Hell No, but the production date of the film has been delayed now.