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Jay Z-helmed streaming service, #TIDAL #TIDALforALL, begins to receive praise on social media #Tidalandchill #MoneyandViolence

TIDAL 4Good things take time and this is something forgotten in this digital age when everything is accessible via a click. This is what made Jay Z’s streaming service, TIDAL, so hard to understand. Out the gate, he got many big names to join with him, making it appear much bigger.

Despite having Madonna, Alicia Keys, J. Cole, Rihanna, Usher, and of course, Beyonce, among others, TIDAL struggled. Making matters worse, Apple launched Apple Music with Dr. Dre a few months later. A lot of bad press and CEO resignations stained TIDAL’s image.

But, the past few months have seen TIDAL begin to turn things around with the new season of “Money and Violence” airing on there. Plus, they broke a record for viewers in a day with 20 million with Kanye West’s The Life of Pablo stream with Yeezy Season 3. All of this work has not gone unnoticed by fans on social media, as they are now showing TIDAL some love.

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