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Jeff Goldblum to His Kids: Earn your keep, no $40M handout

Jeff Goldblum to His Kids: Earn your keep, no $40M handout

Jeff Goldblum is a celebrated actor, known for his roles in blockbuster films like Jurassic Park. He is taking a distinct approach to parenting with regards to his substantial fortune. At 71, Goldblum has expressed a firm desire for his children, Charlie and River. Goldblum wants them to forge their own paths without relying on his estimated $40 million wealth. During a candid discussion on the “Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi” podcast, Goldblum shared his philosophy of self-reliance and independence. Thus, encouraging his sons to “row their own boat.”

Goldblum’s viewpoint is rooted in his own experiences and success in the film industry. There, he achieved fame through iconic roles and a passionate commitment to his craft. So, he hopes his children will find their passion and intersect it with what the world needs. Jeff wants this even if it involves challenges. This approach, he believes, will prepare them for fulfilling and self-sustained lives.

Obviously, Goldblum has a strong belief in the value of hard work and perseverance. After all, he shared his personal story of determination and secret dreams of acting on the podcast. Goldblum, married to Emilie Livingston, met his wife in a serendipitous encounter at a gym. Thus, further adding to his life’s narrative of unexpected turns and self-driven success.

With this philosophy, Goldblum is setting a unique example for celebrity parenting, emphasizing values over valuables and hoping his children will appreciate and embody this ethos as they grow up.

Source: NY Post

Jeff Goldblum to His Kids: Earn your keep, no $40M handout

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