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Jess Hilarious puts Kiyanne on blast for telling Bri to buy flowers for her grandma, because she’ll be dead, soon #LHHNY [VIDEO]

By Ricki Says Staff Writer

With the new episode, of “Love & Hip Hop,” going down, tonight, VH1 released a preview. In last week’s previews, the most-hyped moment was the Kiyanne/Bri fight. The whole argument video clip has now leaked, showing Kiyanne saying some truly foul things.

Kiyanne told Bri to go ahead and buy the flowers for her grandmother, because she was going to die. Whether or not people get along, no one should say something that cruel. This sentiment, Jess Hilarious also agreed with.

Jess Hilarious, yesterday, put a video out, condemning Kiyanne for her comments. Before taking Kiyanne to task, Jess Hilarious said she used to like her, and was rooting for her. But, because of that comment, she couldn’t support her, anymore.

Watch the entire video below:

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