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Teenager punches his wrestling opponent in the face after losing match

Kid punches wrestling opponent in the face after losing match

The key lesson of high school sports is to build character and teach sportsmanship. Clearly, high school isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, and the news shows that. First, it looked like it was only the students disrespecting the teachers. However, now it appears to just to a bunch of kids acting unruly. Recently, a high schooler lost his wrestling match. After that, he sucker punched his opponent, right in the face. As a result, he knocked the other kid out.

Even in professional sports, things hardly ever get heated over the final score. In the heat of the moment, opposing players may get tangled up. However, once the game is over, most opponents share a quick hug and kind words. After all, the love for the sport comes above the competition. So much is lost with this new generation. Sadly, it looks like sportsmanship could also wind up being a thing of the past among these youngsters.

Wrestling, especially high school wrestling, is one of the most intense sports. First of all, it isn’t a team sport. Meanwhile, unlike boxing, or other combat sports, it relies on literally grabbing the opposing player and putting them on the ground. This sport isn’t for the faint of heart. That said, there should be no shame in losing a wrestling match. However, one kid lost his match, and then when he was supposed to shake hands, he sucker punched the opposing player. He knocked the kid out.


Kid punches wrestling opponent in the face after losing match

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