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LeBron James is the highest paid player in NBA history, signing $100 million, three-year, deal with the #Cavs; Twitter reacts

LeBron James 8By Jay Rich
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

BREAKING NEWS: Mike Conley is no longer the highest-paid player in NBA history, LeBron James is. Just like Steph Curry is no longer the king of the NBA, LeBron James has the complete spotlight. With the schedule for the upcoming season out, LeBron was still unsigned.

Given the way he left the Cleveland Cavaliers, back in 2010, many questioned why he would continue signing short contracts. Some rumors had him signing with the Lakers. But, many felt as if he’d return to Cleveland after they won their first title over Golden State.

LeBron James, for the first time in his career, is the highest-paid player in the NBA. Just as his moves were being questioned, LeBron James officially returned to the Cavaliers for three more years, which will make it five more years in Cleveland. The Twitter world has had a lot to say in response to this.

Read the tweets about LeBron James below:

Lebronreups1 Lebronreups2 Lebronreups3

Follow Jay Rich on Twitter @JRichardson2597.

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