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Man brings home a woman he met from Instagram and was very disappointed [VIDEO]

Man brings woman he met from IG home and was disappointed

Even before the current situations, dating was never a simple task. However, before the internet, people at least knew what the person they were interested in looked like. To be clear, catfishing has always existed. People would first meet over the phone and claim they looked like someone that they looked nothing like. But the internet has people altering how they look for the purpose of deceiving others. One man fell for it and brought home a woman he met on Instagram.

Over the past decade, Instagram has become the most popular social media platform. In 2012, it was acquired by Meta, Inc. Since the acquisition, Instagram has continued increasing in popularity. Many people have been able to launch successful businesses simply using their profiles on there. As a result, the company has created a partner program for the popular users of the app. So, people who have certain levels of popularity are able to make money within Instagram’s system.

One man was feeling pretty good about himself, when he slid in a popular Instagram girl’s DM, and got her to respond. Not only was the man able to talk to her, but also, he got her to come home with him. It turns out, that was the last positive part of the story for him. After that, the man got her home, and she looked nothing like how her pictures did. As a result, the man got angry, and shared a video of her, exposing her for catfishing.


Man brings woman he met from IG home and was disappointed

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