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Rich Dollaz gets arrested in interview

Rich DollazBy K. B. Tindal
Hip Hop Vibe Contributing Writer

Through VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop,” the urban audience has gotten to know Rich Dollaz, the manager of Olivia. A current storyline on “Love & Hip Hop” is Rich Dollaz’ financial trouble. Typically, when figures in the industry join reality television, it is a sign of their financial despair.

Sometimes these financial troubles find ways to invade other parts of life. For Rich Dollaz, this was the case. Known for managing many hip hop and R&B artists, Rich Dollaz is one deal away from straightening everything out. But, those in the hip hop industry known deals can be few and far between.

Rich Dollaz sat down for an interview earlier today and he became an example of how bad things can get. In the middle of his interview, Rich Dollaz was escorted out by police officers. Arrested on camera, Rich Dollaz is rumored to have been arrested over unpaid child support.

Watch the entire interview below:

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