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Walmart now has foldout chairs on sale with its own shelf [PHOTO]

Walmart now has foldout chairs on sale with its own shelf

Over the weekend, the Montgomery riverboat fight took place and it’s owned social media. This situation took place on Saturday, but gained attention on Sunday afternoon. However, the jokes and memes have taken a life of their own. It’s hard to tell whether the retail stores are joking, trying to capitalize from the situation, or if there’s merely a coincidence. Regardless, Walmart is selling foldout chairs. With the foldout chairs being prominent in the fight, people think Walmart’s got jokes.

As social media has become increasingly interactive, stores and restaurants have become increasingly comical. When the fast food restaurants end up in the middle of discussions, on social media, Wendy’s social media profiles are quick to come with insults. It looks like there will be more of these national businesses inserting themselves into national news stories. One person went into Walmart and noticed what they had on display.

After the Montgomery riverboat fight, people have had all kinds of foldout chair jokes. Actually, taking a look at most people’s timelines, they are flooded with jokes. In addition, people have taken the actual video and zoomed in on different angles of the fight. Just when some people are saying the jokes are overdone, one person went into Walmart and saw they had folding chairs on display. They were on a shelf and the internet is saying Walmart knows what they’re doing.

Walmart now has foldout chairs on sale with its own shelf

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