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Black woman brings her baby to Walmart, only wearing a diaper [VIDEO]

Woman brings her child to Walmart only wearing a diaper

People have different ideas of how to raise their children. Some parents are good, while other parents are bad. Rather, some people do good parenting, and others do bad parenting. In the case of this woman, her actions and judgement were terrible. She went to Walmart, bringing her baby with her, but only dressed the baby in a diaper. As a result, people were arguing with her. In response, the woman twerked in their direction.

Overall, the quality in most things have diminished over the past two decades. The kinds of things once considered taboo are now considered the norm. As a result, it seems as though the rules have been rewritten. However, one thing that looked like it would never go out of style would be people always taking care of their children. Where a mother is concerned, this was believed to always be something that would stand. However, this mother is proving otherwise.

Recently, a mother got herself into a lot of trouble, for how she treated her child. Not only did she take her baby out in public with only a diaper on, but also, she had him in the food section of Walmart. In the winter, she had him in the coldest part of a cold store. Quickly, people noticed what the woman was doing, so they began to call her out. As a result, she argued back and twerked. But the people called the police and the mother got arrested.


Woman brings her child to Walmart only wearing a diaper

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