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Woman gets #RIPChinx tattooed on the right side of her face, gets bashed on Instagram [PHOTO]

#RIPChinxIt’s going on a month since Chinx died and it’s still just as shocking to know as it was then. An investigation is taking place, but Chinx’s murderer has yet to be caught. There are some suspects, but nothing is concrete.

However, Chinx has had a legion of fans, friends, and celebrities pay homage to him in the wake of his death. This goes to show how popular he could have been in the rap game. Unfortunately, Chinx’s destiny was not meant to be this.

Recently, a photo hit Instagram of a woman who decided to pay homage to Chinx, getting the #RIPChinx hashtag on the right side of her face. While it was a nice thing to do for Chinx, most would say a face tattoo is not a good move. Certainly, the commentators on Instagram felt this way and they did not hold back on her.



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