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Glendon Chancey III shares article on Facebook of a Kentucky man, who tried to sell a four-year-old African-American child for $2,500; The man was only sentenced to 360 days in prison!

Glendon Chancey III has gone viral, on Facebook, with his recent post. He shared an article that showed a Kentucky man who was arrested for trying to sell a four-year-old African-American child for $2,500. The man's name is Harry Day, and he is 29-years-old.

The man in the photo is not Glendon Chancey III. Instead, this man is named Harry Day, and he is 29-years-old. This young man, as the photo evidences, is currently behind bars, and he was arrested for a disgusting crime. Courtesy of Glendon Chancey III, Harry Day’s mugshot has been all over Facebook, today. He […]