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Meagan Elston Sweatt reveals her husband was called a “monkey” in a Winn-Dixie, in Rainbow City, AL, by two men who assaulted him, and tried to remove him from the store; Winn-Dixie refused to call the police and claimed the aisle where the fight took place is the only one with no cameras [PHOTOS]

Meagan Elston Sweatt shares a disturbing story on Facebook, involving her husband, in Winn-Dixie. Taking place, in Rainbow City, Alabama, Meagan Elston Sweatt said her husband was shopping, when a man called him a "monkey." When he turned around to see if the man was talking to him, two men assaulted him, and tried to drag him out of the store, simply because he was black. The man asked Winn-Dixie management to call the police, but they refused, so they did so, in the parking lot, and when the police arrived, Winn-Dixie's management claimed that the only aisle in the store with no security cameras was the one where the altercation took place.

By Bossyy Staff Writer What those on the outside looking in, but criticize, refuse to accept, is the cruelty towards people of color, primarily black. There is “driving while black,” “shopping while black,” and the shootings have even created “living while black.” Well, trying to live while black. The things being done to black […]