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Snowfall | Season 5 Official Trailer | FX [VIDEO]

Snowfall season five trailer released via FX

Until last year, “Snowfall” was always the series of the summer. Since its 2017 premiere, “Snowfall” has become an increasingly popular show. Based in the 1980s, “Snowfall” follows the story of Franklin Saint (Damson Idris), a young man determined to acquire wealth by any means necessary. Young Saint falls into the illegal drug business, getting help from a mysterious man named Lee (Carter Hudson). Viewers know he’s really Teddy McDonald, a rogue CIA agent.

Franklin is unknowingly backed by the CIA to fund the war against Communism. Meanwhile, Franklin goes from a local dealer to being a major player. The lockdown prevented season four from taking place in the summer of 2020. Season four ended with Franklin’s girlfriend, Mel, shooting him in retaliation for ending her father’s life. When season five finally returned, Franklin was recovering from his injuries. He returned, facing problems with Jerome (Amin Joseph), Louie (Angela Lewis), and Leon (Isaiah John).

Entering season five, Franklin has lost his team, and his mother. After his father informed, Franklin turned on him, as Alton (Kevin Carroll) told him to turn himself in. Franklin enters season five expecting his first child.

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