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Man spits in bottle of tea for sell in a dollar store [VIDEO]

Man spits in bottle of tea for sell in a dollar store

Man spits in bottle of tea for sell in a dollar store A few years ago, people were licking Blue Bell ice cream in Walmart stores. Not only is doing things like that disgusting, but also it’s illegal. However, these are some of the weirdest crimes. The ice cream licking fiasco led to Blue Bell […]

Fans follow Michael Jordan around and make goat noises [VIDEO]

Fans follow Michael Jordan around and make goat noises

Fans follow Michael Jordan around and make goat noises Michael Jordan is the most iconic figure from the NBA. Recently, he sold his Charlotte Hornets majority stake for $3 billion. Jordan was the controlling owner of the Hornets for thirteen years. In 2010, MJ purchased the franchise for $275, when it was still known as […]

Man pistol whips a young guy in a fit of road rage [VIDEO]

Man pistol whips a young guy in a fit of road rage

Man pistol whips a young guy in a fit of road rage Anything can happen, when a person is driving down the road. Accidents are a risk that people are aware that can happen. In addition, things can get tense, when people are driving. As a result, road rage incidents can end up taking place. […]

Woman crowd surfs her baby to Flo Rida during concert [VIDEO]

Woman crowd surfs her baby to Flo Rida during concert

Woman crowd surfs her baby to Flo Rida during concert Flo Rida is one of the biggest pop rappers in the game and he’s still going. Sixteen years ago, he made his debut, and immediately topped Billboard. In the years since, Flo Rida has continued to top the charts. As is the case, he’s also […]

City Girls to release “Face Down” single on August 25

City Girls announce upcoming “Face Down” single  City Girls have released plenty of hot singles in 2023, as it appears that their third studio album is finally close to arriving. Among the records that they’ve put out this year are “Act Bad” featuring Fabolous and Diddy, “Piñata,” “I Need A Thug,” as well as JT’s […]

Mother didn’t notice her child’s neck was caught in her car’s window [VIDEO]

Mom didn't notice her child's neck caught in car window

Mom didn’t notice her child’s neck caught in car window Being a parent is far from an easy task, but most parents do their best. However, all parents make mistakes with their children. Some mistakes are bigger than others, though. Every summer, there are reports of some parents forgetting their small children in the backseats […]