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Woman stole money from her boyfriend’s bank account for a Beyonce concert, when he had the money saved for his child’s heart surgery

Woman steals boyfriend’s money for his child’s heart surgery

It never ceases to amaze how selfish people can be. Some people will betray anyone if it means they get whatever they want. The saddest part is how they do these things in the heat of the moment. In other words, people would ruin someone else’s long term plans for short term gains. One man was dealing with the stress of his child needing to have a heart operation. He expected his girlfriend to bring peace, or at least not add stress. But she stole his money to buy Beyonce concert tickets.

Beyonce is arguably the most bankable artist of this generation. One thing is for sure and it’s that she has a beyond loyally dedicated fan base. Most diehard Beyonce fans would do almost anything for her. In addition, they spend thousands of dollars on her concerts. Some even pay extra for the opportunity to meet her, backstage. However, even the most loyal of Beyonce fans probably wouldn’t even consider doing what this woman did.

Recently, a man ended up confronting his girlfriend for stealing from him. She took money from him and he caught her. The man was highly upset, because she knew he had his money saved up for his child’s heart operation. Clearly, the woman knew this, as she told him that she didn’t care. In addition, she countered his argument, saying that he knew how badly she wanted Beyonce concert tickets. So, because the man didn’t get them, she stole his heart operation money.


Woman steals boyfriend’s money for his child’s heart surgery

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